Who We Are
We serve western Douglas County including the communities of Bennington, Elkhorn, Valley, Waterloo, and West Omaha, all of which have rapidly growing businesses and residential communities. Our purpose is to help businesses, organizations, and communities prosper by promoting the business and civic interests of West O Chamber Members and residents.
Each event that we hold offers opportunities for members to network, meet area business leaders, connect with other business owners, learn business techniques and much more. Are events are open to members and visitors, to encourage guests to “try before you buy.” We firmly believe that once you attend one of our events that you’ll see we truly are an open, fun, interactive and personal Chamber.
The West O Chamber has been a part of this community since 1947 and it now features over 150 events a year and over 450 members. Trevor Hudson is the Executive Director and organizes and coordinates every event throughout the year with the help of his Board of Directors and Ambassadors.

Trevor Hudson - Executive Director
Our Mission
The purpose of the West O Chamber is to help businesses prosper by promoting the business and civic interests of West O Chamber members and residents.
Our objective is to serve as a highly visible, quality membership organization that promotes the Western Douglas County Business Community. Our goals are to:
>> SERVE as a leadership source for the business community.
>> PROMOTE business between Chamber members.
>> ADVANCE economic prosperity for the region.
>> PROVIDE programs for Chamber members where they can meet and learn how to improve their business.
>> HOST social and networking events.
>> WELCOME member participation, feedback, and input.
>> IDENTIFY opportunities for Chamber members to help improve the quality of life in the Western Douglas County area and encourage corporate responsibility.
>> SPONSOR events, fundraisers, and other activities that promote arts, education, the community, and social advancement.
Community Involvement
There are many opportunities to contribute and give back to the communities we live in. Below are several examples of how the Chamber participates in the communities in which we work and play.
- Annual Scholarship Golf Outing: Raises money to provide seven $1000 Scholarships to high school seniors at Bennington, DC West, Elkhorn, and Mount Michael Schools.
- Annual participation in Community Celebrations: Our members serve pancakes to community residents early in the morning.
- Food Basket Program: Provides over 500 families in our committees that are less fortunate the opportunity to enjoy a holiday meal and gifts that otherwise might not have been possible. Products, services and time donated by our members make this event a huge success.
- Punt, Pass and Kick competition and dozens of our non-profit events that we assist with like C.O.P.E's backpack program, Support The Girls and more!
Monthly Networking Events
- Coffee & Connections: normally held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at a member location.
- After Hours: normally held the 3rd Thursday of each month at a member location.
- Luncheons with Speakers: normally held the 4th Tuesday of each month.
- Ribbon Cuttings & Grand Openings
- Quarterly Business Workshops
Annual Chamber Events
- Networking Bowling Tournament
- Awards Banquet
- Elkhorn Pancake Feed
- Scholarship Golf Outing
- West O Expo Show
- Food Basket Program
- Beer Festival & Wine Walk
- Corn Festival
Chamber Resources
- Advertisements on Website
- New Member Announcements
- Weekly Events Email
- Advertisements in Weekly Email
- Online Membership Directory
- Members events added to Chamber Calendar
- Member Information Center
- Featured Member Spotlights
- Business Referrals for Members
- Door Prize Recognition
Chamber Committees
- Ambassadors
- Scholarship Golf Committee
- Expo Show Committee
- Gala Committee
- Food Basket Committee
Become a member of the West O Chamber today. Complete your application and submit online or via mail.
If you are interested in joining our rapidly growing chamber, but have more questions please contact the chamber office at 402.289.9560 or email to info@westochamber.org.
Become a part of the Chamber start creating business successes, solutions, and networking opportunities.